Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's in a Name?

On the Appalachian Trail, people dont refer to one another as Stephanie, Kristen, Diana, Paul, John or Chris. There are trail names instead. Names more like, Banjo, Bigglesworth, Half Elvis and White Lightning. Identifiers that insinuate a story, tell a little about the person, or just make you laugh. None the less these character names are words that identify you as you and not someone else.

I got to thinking about names. My name in particular, Motor Butt. maybe, potentially arguably one of the less expected hiking names.

Starting a new trail in 3 days had me wondering if I should keep my AT name or not. No one would know me out there really. And in my more vain moments, who wants a name which sounds vaguely like reference to a flatulence problem? Honestly! But many words have many meanings, and I knew this, so I went to consult Mr. Myriam Webster, and here is what I found.

MOTOR is a verb an adjective and a noun.  Coming from Latin, literally translating to "mover" from the 15th century as "controller, prime mover" (in reference to Good). Well I thought that was a rather grandiose start, so I continued.  As a verb "to move or proceed with a vigorous steady pace," (motored up the mountain to see the view). As an adjective "causing or imparting motion" (like neuromotor impulses). and as a noun "a comparatively small and powerful... person or thing that imparts motion"

Admittedly butt is not as powerful.

BUTT is a noun and a verb. Other than a euphemism for your derrière, as a noun it is also, "a lean cut of pork shoulder, the end or extremity of anything, a person or thing that is an object of wit, ridicule, sarcasm, contempt (not my favorite def.), a push or blow with the head or horns or (my favorite) a large cask for wine, beer, or ale!" Butt doesnt do much better as a verb either. "to project forward or out, to hit or push something with the head or horns, to have an end or projection on"

So Maybe the name Motor Butt implies that I am a lean cut of pork shoulder that proceeds with a vigorous and steady pace, or perhaps I am a powerful person that projects motion forward. Either way I have found a new appreciation for both words. And I think I will keep my name.

Peace and Love
Motor Butt


  1. I'm happy to hear of your newfound appreciation for your name! Given the two definitions, it seems quite appropriate that Bigglesworth refers to you simply as "Motor." :)

  2. I like simply Motor. *nodding*

    -- Green Tortuga
