Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lost Socks, Snow and a Fungus among us

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood by Deadfall Lake. 17 miles from where I had started and only 13 to go for the day. It was noon and the cool water hot sun was too inviting so I joined my hiking friends for a dip. After swimming and an extended lunch break I thought it would be good to wash my socks that were Oh so dirty from the dusty trail. It would have been a great idea had I not forgotten to attatch the soggy socks to my bag before I left on the second leg of my day. It also would have been better if I had remembered my socks, air drying on a sage bush, before 6 miles later. It was a sad end to a great day.

28th, 29th, 30th and 31st of July as well as the 1st of August and we all get to walk over snow! not a lot of snow, just about 20 feet, but still snow! what a wacky year.

Lastly there is now a fungus among us! I have some sort of Athletes foot that blistered bad on the top of my feet. Itchy painfull open blisters on the tops of my toes, right where my foot bends and constantly rubs against my shoes. I am buying cream and powder, if I can find it, in Etna tomorrow.

Oregon is less than 150 miles away! should be there in 5 days!


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